On February 23, 2024, the Core Team of Jesus and Mary School- Mtayleb, had its first meeting to start the process of building a “New Narrative for a Shared Humanity”. The process is based on a guidebook developed by “Creators of Peace” within “Initiatives of Change – International” and contextualized for the Lebanese community by TASC. The objective of these core group meetings is to closely involve educators in the process of reconciliation: a process that can only be done by co-shaping the National Narrative that would is inclusive of all parts of genuine narratives. This is a very long and delicate process, but there cannot be anyone qualified to weave it better than Educators.
Those meetings are enriched by the Initiatives of Change documentaries about real reconciliations in various contexts. The teachers watch in between the sessions, and have the chance to reflect more deeply upon them in the following session.