Seven passionate educators were invited to the TASC center in Beirut on January 26, to be briefed about TASC and about the ETST conference that took place in India between January 8 and 12. Some of the invitees were colleagues who were not able to join ETST either because they are francophone, or due to financial reasons.
The participation of one of the new ETST attendants in this meeting gave a more tangible idea about the content and outcome of the conference, which installed more interest in the vision of “building an international movement of educators who would affect the policies in alignment with shared values for a shared Humanity” …
The invitees were also familiarized with TASC vison and mission, with its strategy of work, its modules, and expenditure.
More meetings of this kind will follow to keep the colleagues informed about the progress of TASC and outcome of its work, so that each may find their particular role in this great TASC/K for “Reconciliation and Reform through Education”